Retaining customers is more important than acquiring new ones Keep your old customers! You earned them! Retentions is cheaper than acquisition

As the old verse goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.” Similarly, a long-term customer is of more value than a single-deal customer, and it’s a lot less expensive to keep a current customer [link] than to acquire a new one.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t go out and get new customers, but if we can keep a larger percentage of those customers for a longer life cycle, we build on a revenue foundation that is more profitable and predictable; two factors that have created tremendous wealth for entrepreneurs.

How can we make every customer a long-haul partner? Keeping track of customer satisfaction is an obvious method, as is continuously innovating to stay aligned with customer needs in an ever-changing market. However, there is another, simpler avenue that is both overlooked and underrated. That is the art of staying connected.

Here’s a worrisome statistic. According to a Bain & Company study, 60-80% of customers who describe themselves as satisfied do not go back to do more business with the company that initially satisfied them. How can that be? Often it’s due to a lack of connection. Customer satisfaction and loyalty mean nothing if you can’t remember exactly who it was that did that phenomenal job of cleaning your carpets two years ago, or where that little jewelry shop is that did such a great job of resetting your diamond when it was loose last year. Disconnection is the reason why so many one-time sales that are completely satisfying (silver) never translate into lifetime customer value (gold).

Customers have so many different choices. It’s no wonder why connections have been difficult to maintain in the past. However, with advances in technology, there’s no longer any reason businesses can’t have a personal, one-on-one relationship with every single customer they serve.

There is an easy fix according to Randy Garn, one of the founders of Skipio [link], a customer connection company [link]. “In today’s fast paced business environment there’s a disconnect, and it’s a big one. Business owners are consistently focused on acquiring new customers through ‘innovative’ marketing campaigns. They want a better go-to-market strategy, stronger billboards and catchier marketing phrases. But their customers have never felt more detached. With today’s technology it is now possible to have a person-to-person relationship with every customer. The more personal and authentic the relationship, the more indispensable it becomes.”

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This personal connection goal is no problem with five customers, but what if your company has hundreds or thousands? How can you stay in touch with each one in a meaningful, genuine way?

Garn continues, “When you connect on a personal level with a simple unexpected text saying, 'Hello, Dave. Just touching base. Hope you and the family are doing well. How’s your new car running? We’re here if you need anything,' something magical happens. Customers feel good about themselves and, in turn, they feel good about you. When you connect with your customers on an emotional level, they will never go anywhere else.”

Skipio advises that a texting system works best when following a few simple rules:

  • It should be used for the purpose of staying connected to existing customers, not making sales to new customers
  • Don’t use the system to sell anything to your existing customers—if you connect, they will buy
  • Communicate gratitude for your customers’ business more than once, and not just when they buy
  • Validate your customers—their importance, their hard work and their value, and do it consistently over an extended period of time
  • Make your messages personal to customers, using their first name and highlighting something special about them with each communication

For a business to survive in coming years, it’s critical to personally connect with every customer because with advances in technology and increased competitive pressures, if you don’t connect someone else probably will.

Why should we consider staying in contact with customers via text messages versus other methods?

  • 64% of Americans prefer getting customer support via SMS (Harris Research, 2014)
  • The read rate of text messages is far higher than that of any other medium
  • Text messages don’t go into junk mail
  • 96% of all text messages worldwide are opened and read within two minutes

Have you served customers who are now disconnected from your company? Maybe it’s time to send them a text.

Connecting with customers matters, and we think you’ll agree. Give Skipio a try––no risk, nothing to lose, except those thumb blisters.